
Install newer graphviz on Crunchbang/Debian wheezy

I was running in several issues with the old version of Graphviz (2.26.3) installed from the Debian wheezy repository, so I decided to have a look on how to update it to a newer one.

First, remove all the old package (say Y to remove the dependent packages)

> sudo apt-get remove libcdt4
> sudo apt-get remove libpathplan4
> sudo apt-get remove libxdot4

I then downloaded the packages  for e.g. Ubuntu 12.04, taken from the graphviz repository:  http://www.graphviz.org/Download_linux_ubuntu.php

and precisely:
http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/stable/ubuntu/ub12.04/x86_64/libgraphviz4_2.38.0-1~precise_amd64.deb (for libgraphviz4)
http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/stable/ubuntu/ub12.04/x86_64 /graphviz_2.38.0-1~precise_amd64.deb  (for graphviz)

I then installed them in this order with GDebi (on Crunchbang, right click on the name of the file, "Open it with GDebi Package Installer").

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